keep austin weird // part one

During the first full week of the new year, I visited Austin with my sister friend, Steph. (We're friends from college, but act like sisters.) We agreed that travel is invaluable as it invites us to pay attention to ourselves and those around us in a way that's a bit different than usual. We notice. We question. We learn. We step out of our boxes--our comfort zones--because in unfamiliar territory, it's partially inevitable and partially easier. 

It's okay to do things like eat a pint of Blue Bell ice cream with a fork in the grocery store cafe in the wee hours of the night. Or to run five miles around the town lake as a local would. Or to purchase a Stevie Wonder record from a vintage shop. Or to make new friends and share conversation and laughter together in complete comfort. 

Austin was really good for my spirit and soul, and I'm excited to share glimpses of the trip with you!